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Welcome ARLINGTON FLORIST Customers To Our New Location in North Arlington on River Road!
Family Owned & Operated
275 River Road
North Arlington, NJ 07031
Open Everyday
Love Your SoilImprove your soils health. Decompact your soil to allow air, water and roots to penetrate throughout the soil | Mag-i-calBalance your pH rapidly with pelletized calcium. Raises your pH to the proper level to allow roots to take up nutrients. Can also be used in your garden! |
Lawn InsectsLawn insects can do damage, especially grubs. Be proactive. | Lawn FungusLawn fungus can look like stress and a lack of water, but can quickly spread and destroy a lawn. Spreads by moisture! |
Lawn WeedsBroad-leaf and grassy weeds can be difficult to control. Some products only work for certain types of weeds |
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